© 2022.

Twitter 2.0

A redesign of Twitter to enhance user-friendly customization.

Role: UI/UX Designer
Platform: Figma

First Look

The goal of this project was to see if I could recreate the aesthetic that made Twitter so recognizable and user-friendly while enhancing user customization and navigation.

I created initial sketches for the home screen and main menus. I envisioned collapsible menus for daily trends on the home screen, allowing the user to focus on what matters most to them.

Intelligent Redesign

I added collapsible sections above the timeline of tweets to let users decide what their home page looks like.

Responsive Trends

On the Trending page, I ensured topics and hashtags appear according to each topic, keeping user flow organized.

Final Result

I believe the prototype succeeds in two ways:

  1. Reimagines the Twitter app by using their original branding in an innovative way.
  2. Offers a new level of customization and organization to the user experience.